Less than 24 hours until the 37th Annual Highmark Quad Games (co-sponsored by UTZ Snacks). Please read the following items to help make everything run smooth tomorrow.  We are looking at great weather, tons of amazing riders and a fabulous event!!

A few more items to note prior to your race –

  1. SAFETY: No One Leaves The Starting Line Without A Helmet or With headphones.  This is for your safety and the safety of others.  Please obey these rules.
  2. FINISH LINE PARTY: New this year!  The Crossroads Diner will be hosting the finish line party!  All participants (21+) will be given a free beer and ALL Participants will earn a hotdog at the finish of their race.  Those under 21 and non-drinkers can grab a free soda, along with the PowerAde, at the finish line.  Please bring your ID.  IDs will be checked at the registration table.  The finish line party will be moving to the starting line area.  After you finish your race please ride SINGLE FILE back to the starting area and join the festivities!!
  3. DRAFTING: While competing do not draft or ride two abreast.  Since we have riders going in both directions it is important that we ride single file.  Keep at least three bike lengths of clear space between you and the cyclist in front. If you move to the left of the cyclist in front of you, you must pass within 15 seconds.  Keep to the right hand side of the road unless passing. Do not ride on the left side of the lane without passing anyone or you may interfere with other cyclists attempting to pass.
  4.  POTHOLES: The local municipalities have filled many of the potholes along the course.  If you do approach a pothole, please do not ride in the middle of the road but also be cautious of gravel on the sides of the road.
  5. GRAVEL & DEBRIS: My team has swept the course and removed all debris.  However, there are still areas turn from Arneman to Rt. 86) that may have loose gravel or debris that may fall over night or early in the morning.  Again, please be cautious.  Visit our Facebook page for more details and pictures on trouble areas (turn from Arneman to Rt. 86).  With the recent roadwork there are some areas with loose gravel in certain areas (between mile 2.5 and 3.5 is a problem area).  Please use a safe speed at corners, the turnaround, and in the areas with loose gravel along the side of the road.
  6. NEIGHBORS: Year after year the families in the brown house and white house (NOW BEIGE) let us use their yards for the finish line and post-race party.  Please be respectful of their (and all) property and generosity.  Don’t forget to clean up after yourself.  We want to be invited back!  NEW IN 2019 – The Post-Ride Party will take place in the starting line area.
  7. PARKING: Please park in the large parking lot across from McComb Fieldhouse and the Residential Halls.  The parking lot near the registration tent will be blocked for the Quad Kids race, St. Vincent Health Bus and registrations.  Please do not move cones or drive around them to park in the lot next to the football stadium/tennis courts.  I appreciate your cooperation.
  8. DENNIS PACKARD: Dave Packard a local endurance legend will be onsite at the registration tent for any last minute bike issues – flat tires, etc.  Please be sure to pump your tires and prepare your bike prior to the race.  These basic items should be done by you (the rider).  Dennis will be here for last minute emergencies. If you see him please say THANK YOU!
  9. QUAD STORE AND BIKE JERSEYS: Our apparel store is open during the month of July.  You have until 7/31/19 to make a purchase! Use your swim gift card, wait and see if you win a gift card at the bike or save all your gift cards until the store opens again in September. Anyone can make a purchase from the store (no gift card needed). Link to Quad Store: https://stores.inksoft.com/YMCAQG/shop/home.
  10. STRAVA SEGEMENTS: Download Strava on your smart phone and compete in our Strava Challenge.  Top three male and females on each segment will win gift cards to the Quad Store.  To complete you must have a Strava account and the app must be recording your bike ride at the race.  The points will be marked on the course, but check them out ahead of time: Quad Race Micro Climb and Quad Race Sprint.  Please note that overall bike winners will not be eligible for prizes in the Strava ChallengeDuring the race the road will NOT be closed to vehicular traffic.  We will have the Edinboro Volunteer Fire Department controlling traffic.  All racers will be given the “right of way” to vehicular traffic, but I want to make sure that we all treat the neighbors who live along the route and who may be driving on the route with respect.  All it takes is one upset neighbor to really make things difficult, so let’s work together to keep everyone happy!  More Details: http://www.highmarkquad.org/highmark-quad-bike-strava-segments/
  11. STARTING LINE LIST: A few updates.  Please review for Saturday!
  12. HAVE FUN: Don’t forget to have fun!  Enjoy the beautiful scenery, your competitors, and that fact that we live in a country, where you can get up in the morning and ride your bike.  We are all blessed!!
  13. QUAD KIDS: The ½ mile and 1 mile Quad Kids event should start around 11am.  We will offer registration at the starting line.  $10 for Quad Kids to participate!  This includes a t-shirt and finishing medal.  Let’s get our kids outside and active!!

After 2pm today, I will have limited access to my email and phone.  Please check our website and Facebook page for last minute details about the 37th Annual Quad Bike event!! Good luck tomorrow!!


Kelly Latimer

Highmark QUAD Games Coordinator

The Highmark Quad – Home to the Everyday Champion!!

Register online for the Highmark QUAD Games at http://www.highmarkquad.org/events/registration/