I am finally healing from an irritating knee injury I developed after running the Pittsburgh Half Marathon in the spring. Typically June is one of my favorite months; great weather, the beginning of summer, flower in bloom…

Well, June 2015 felt like an over-excited April: rain, rain, and more rain.

I have logged a few indoor cycle training rides but have nothing close to a great base. My Time Trial will be more guts and grit than being a well-planned for, well-trained for race.

While, I might be painfully grinding through the gears, the great thing with this QUAD event is that my son gets to participate! During the swim, I was under the weather and didn’t want to try to drag Roger up to Edinboro from Pittsburgh for an almost 4 hour round trip car ride plus arrange for someone to watch him while I swam. For the Kid’s Bike Ride – the YMCA offers child care plus my husband will be joining and able to watch our little sweetie while I ride.

I think Roger will love seeing all the bikes and people participating. He is a friendly, adventurous little guy. Despite his cast (which thankfully comes off soon), he has probably logged more training miles than me.

Look out for this little trike-riding toddler on July 11!

I hope everyone is looking forward to the beautiful course and chance to challenge ourselves on 2 wheels.

Katie Landis (and Roger)

Roger Landis biking 2

Roger Landis: On a his daily QUAD training ride