The swim is coming soon so I will say a prayer for my fast twitch muscles to engage. I’m usually more of a slow and steady athlete but you’ve got to love a race that is done as quickly as the quad swim. I feel prepared other than the fact that my flip turns are a hot mess. Best of luck to all the athletes on the 26th!

Katie Landis

Katie and Roger


Where has all the time gone? The swim is going to be here this Sunday in just a few quick days! Since this is my first year, I’m not setting the bar too high, just finish and try not to be last. Well…and not drown but I think that goes without saying. I plan on doing my best, but it won’t be until next year that I will have to worry about ‘improving.’

It has been hard to get a lot of decent training this spring, weather and life have been getting in the way. I have made it into the pool, but not as often as I would like. I have cancelled more bike rides than I have taken.   I was sick for a week. I should know better, but tried to go on a run before feeling 100% – ran two miles and the body said, “Hmm, maybe you should walk back.” I did. A two-mile run when you are sick is like a 12 mile run when you feeling good.

I am looking forward to Sunday. I am actually starting to like swimming and am confident I can swim the 100 yards (yeah – I’m cocky now but let’s see what happens Sunday). To me that is the point of all of this – to be better than I was before and to do things I didn’t think I could. Hopefully I can get 2 more swims in before Sunday – we will see how it goes, sometimes life has other plans.

Mark Pacilio

Mark Pacilio 2015